The Corporation of the Municipality of


Chatham-Kent Council Meeting

Council Chambers, Chatham-Kent Civic Centre
315 King St W, Chatham ON
  • Mayor Canniff, 
  • Councillor Allin, 
  • Councillor Anderson, 
  • Councillor Ceccacci, 
  • Councillor Doyle, 
  • Councillor Finn, 
  • Councillor Harrigan, 
  • Councillor Jubenville, 
  • Councillor McGrail, 
  • Councillor B. McGregor, 
  • Councillor C. McGregor, 
  • Councillor Storey, 
  • Councillor Thompson, 
  • Councillor Wright, 
  • and Morena McDonald 
  • Councillor Bondy, 
  • Councillor Crew, 
  • and Councillor Hall 

Councillor McGrail, Closed Session Chair

That Council moved into a Closed Session Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the following reasons:

  • Personal matter about an identifiable individual regarding By-law Appeal and Property Standards Committee Appointment. Section 239(2)(b), Municipal Act, 2001.
  • Litigation and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege regarding a motor vehicle accident. Section 239(2)(e) & (f), Municipal Act, 2001.
  • Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege regarding Homeless Encampments. Section 239(2)(f), Municipal Act, 2001.

There was no supplementary agenda.

The Western Ontario Wardens Caucus (WOWC) advocacy work has been executed through:

  • Meetings with Ministers and senior government officials
  • Partnerships with local and regional municipalities and organizations, and joint projects/advocacy with stakeholders
  • Letters, financial analyses, ERO submissions, pre-budget submissions

The WOWC monitors government legislation and provides research and analysis on issues affecting Western Ontario. Where applicable, the WOWC supports and partners with other organizations such as SWIFT, AMO, FCM, EOWC, etc.

The 2024 - 2025 Strategic Priorities include:

  • Housing
  • Infrastructure
  • Workforce
  • Mental Health, Addictions and Homelessness
  • Broadband Infrastructure
  • Economic Development

Council received the following deputations for items on the current agenda:

Read by person at the meeting:

Item 17 (b) – Motion of Councillor Jubenville re Unwilling Host for Future IESO Wind Energy Procurements in Chatham-Kent

  • Dr. Keith Benn
  • Christine Burke
  • Scott Kilbride

Emailed only:

Item 17 (a) - Expanding Housing Options in Rural Areas

  • Jaclyn Faubert

Item 17 (b) – Motion of Councillor Jubenville re Unwilling Host for Future IESO Wind Energy Procurements in Chatham-Kent

  • Monica Elmes

Item 20 (f) – Motion by Councillor Wright re Road Safety Assessment – Intersection of Ridge Line and Kent Bridge Road

  • Art Schaafsma
  • Brenda Goldhawk

The following items were placed aside for discussion and voting:

15(a) - Contract Award – Downtown Wallaceburg Streetlight Replacement Project

17(a) - Expanding Housing Options in Rural Areas

17(b) - Motion by Councillor Jubenville re Unwilling Host for Future IESO  Wind Energy Procurements in Chatham-Kent

18(b) - Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinator

19(a) - Canada Community-Building Fund – Municipal Funding Agreement

19(b) - By-law to Invoice Payments in Lieu of Taxes on Provincial Institutions

20(f) - Motion by Councillor Wright re Road Safety Assessment – Intersection of Ridge Line and Kent Bridge Road

  • MovedCouncillor Thompson
    SecondedCouncillor Storey

    "That the following items be approved as presented: 16(a), 16(b), 16(c), 16(d), 18(a), 19(c), 20(c), 20(d), 20(e)."

    Yes (15)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (15 to 0)
  • MovedCouncillor C. McGregor
    SecondedMorena McDonald


    1. The tendered amount of $737,680.95 including HST for the installation of replacement street light poles and appurtenances for Downtown Wallaceburg be awarded to Hastings Utilities Contracting Limited.
    2. The amount of $53,834.05 including HST for contract administration and electrical fees be awarded to Entegrus Powerlines Inc.
    3. The project be partially funded by a transfer of $211,931.20 from the Lifeamp ROW Infrastructure Reserve to the Downtown Wallaceburg Streetlights project account (22PWWBSTLGHT).
    4. Administration be authorized to enter into the necessary agreements."
    Yes (13)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Conflict (1)Councillor Wright
    Absent (4)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, Councillor Hall, and Councillor B. McGregor
    Motion Carried (13 to 0)
  • MovedCouncillor Harrigan
    SecondedCouncillor Jubenville


    1.Administration be directed to carry out public consultation regarding:

    1. Allowing additional detached houses on existing properties in rural areas; and,
    2. Land division in rural areas for the purpose of residential development with the intent of creating new policies to increase residential housing opportunities while prioritizing the needs of agriculture operations and the protection of agricultural lands, and that recommendations be presented to Council for consideration in Fall 2024."
    Yes (15)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (15 to 0)
  • MovedCouncillor Jubenville
    SecondedCouncillor Doyle

    "Whereas the Independent Electrical System Operator (the IESO) has proposed to move forward with three RFPs where new wind turbine projects can receive a contract from the IESO;

    And whereas people living near existing wind turbines report considerable impact on their lives due to noise, health and clean water risks, along with other emissions and issues caused from the wind turbines; 

    And whereas there are gaps in the enforcement of key terms of the Renewable Energy Approvals governing existing projects relative to noise standards and resolution of complaints;

    And whereas Chatham-Kent has not received a response from their letter to the Ministry of Health dated May, 2023, regarding the All Hazard Investigation:

    And whereas municipal approval is required to locate one of these projects in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

    Therefore be it resolved that Chatham-Kent Council does not support the establishment of any new wind turbine projects within the municipality; and that administration be directed to advise the IESO and any potential applicants who approach the municipality about wind projects, of this resolution."

    Yes (3)Councillor Wright, Councillor Doyle, and Councillor Jubenville
    No (11)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, and Councillor Storey
    Conflict (1)Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Defeated (3 to 11)
  • MovedCouncillor Harrigan
    SecondedCouncillor Finn

    “That a two year, full time FTE costing approximately $225,000, to implement, monitor, and report on the Chatham-Kent Community Safety and Well-Being plan be recruited, on a one time basis from the Strategic Reserve.

    And that staff return to Council in 2026 with recommendations for sustainability or continued operational needs for the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan.”

    Yes (12)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Jubenville, and Morena McDonald
    No (3)Councillor Thompson, Councillor Doyle, and Councillor Storey
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (12 to 3)
  • MovedCouncillor B. McGregor
    SecondedCouncillor C. McGregor


    1. Council authorize the Municipal Funding Agreement for the transfer of the Canada Community-Building Fund for the administration of the Canada Community-Building Fund between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement."
    Yes (15)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (15 to 0)
  • MovedCouncillor B. McGregor
    SecondedCouncillor Finn


    1. A by-law be passed to provide for the annual levy of payments in lieu of taxes on Universities and Colleges, and Public Hospitals for the year 2024 as per Section 323 of the Municipal Act, 2001."
    Yes (15)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (15 to 0)
  • MovedCouncillor Anderson
    SecondedCouncillor Harrigan


    1. Single source purchase to 360 Engineering and Environmental Consulting Ltd. for the amount of $6,009,575 + HST be approved;
    2. Single source purchase to T.L. Watson and Associates for the amount of $250,000 + HST be approved;
    3. The Excavation in Potential Gas Emission Areas By-law, attached as Appendix A, be passed;
    4. The User Fee By-law No. 221-2023 be amended to include a fee for enforcement of the Excavation in Potential Gas Emission Areas By-law at a full cost recovery of direct costs incurred by the Municipality."
    Yes (15)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (15 to 0)
  • MovedCouncillor Wright
    SecondedMorena McDonald

    "That staff conduct a road safety assessment at the intersection of Ridge Line and Kent Bridge Road and report back to Council with recommendations."

    Yes (15)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (15 to 0)

Councillor C. McGregor presented a notice of motion regarding Farm Tax Ratio. The motion will be added to the August 12, 2024 Council Agenda for discussion and voting.

  • MovedCouncillor McGrail
    SecondedCouncillor Allin

    "That the July 15, 2024 Closed Session Report be approved."

    Yes (15)Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wright, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Doyle, Councillor Jubenville, Councillor Storey, and Morena McDonald
    Absent (3)Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall
    Motion Carried (15 to 0)

Councillors McGrail and Jubenville referenced Item 2(d) - Letter from Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks re Comprehensive Environmental Assessment required for York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd. proposed project in Dresden. The Director of Legal Services explained that the Ministry has ruled that York1 must do a full environmental assessment which essentially means that York1 will have to start from scratch on their proposal with various opportunities for public engagement and consultation throughout. There are no prescribe timelines for a full environmental assessment. Information about the steps in the Environmental Assessment process is up on the Lets Talk CK website.

Councillor Storey referenced Item 3(a) - Communication from Association of Municipalities of Ontario re Advocacy on Homelessness Encampments. She noted this is a well written policy paper and encouraged everyone to read it.

  • MovedCouncillor Jubenville
    SecondedCouncillor Storey

    "That the Council Information Package be received for information."

    Motion Carried

Councillor Storey requested information on services being provided to the new homeless encampment in Rotary Park in Chatham and how to ensure the safety of those living in the encampment as well as the neighbouring homes and businesses. The General Manager of Health and Human Services explained that ROCK Missions is being sent in to work with the individuals who are living in the encampment and encourage appropriate behaviors. Residents or business owners can contact the municipality with any questions or concerns.

Councillor Finn noted that CK CanJam is taking place this weekend where internationally renowned street artist will be creating nine large-scale murals in downtown Chatham.

Councillor Ceccacci encouraged everyone to come out to Cherry Fest in Blenheim this weekend.

Councillor B. McGregor noted that Blackburn Media is requesting a letter of support for their application to move the CFCO radio station to a full powered FM signal.

  • MovedCouncillor B. McGregor
    SecondedCouncillor Finn

    "That Council supports Blackburn Media's request to move CFCO-AM to a full FM frequency to continue their long-standing tradition of serving Chatham-Kent."

    Motion Carried
  • MovedCouncillor Harrigan
    SecondedMorena McDonald

    "That the by-laws be taken as read for a first time."

    Motion Carried
  • MovedCouncillor Harrigan
    SecondedMorena McDonald

    "That the by-laws be taken as read for a second time."

    Motion Carried
  • MovedCouncillor Wright
    SecondedCouncillor Thompson

    "That the by-laws be taken as read for a third time and finally passed."

    Motion Carried

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

  • MovedCouncillor McGrail
    SecondedCouncillor Ceccacci

    "That Chatham-Kent Council adjourn to its next Meeting to be held on Monday, August 12, 2024 and that Chatham-Kent Council authorize itself to meet in closed session on that day to discuss any matters permitted by The Municipal Act."

    Motion Carried
No Item Selected