"Whereas the Independent Electrical System Operator (the IESO) has proposed to move forward with three RFPs where new wind turbine projects can receive a contract from the IESO;
And whereas people living near existing wind turbines report considerable impact on their lives due to noise, health and clean water risks, along with other emissions and issues caused from the wind turbines;
And whereas there are gaps in the enforcement of key terms of the Renewable Energy Approvals governing existing projects relative to noise standards and resolution of complaints;
And whereas Chatham-Kent has not received a response from their letter to the Ministry of Health dated May, 2023, regarding the All Hazard Investigation:
And whereas municipal approval is required to locate one of these projects in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.
Therefore be it resolved that Chatham-Kent Council does not support the establishment of any new wind turbine projects within the municipality; and that administration be directed to advise the IESO and any potential applicants who approach the municipality about wind projects, of this resolution."
Yes (3) | Councillor Wright, Councillor Doyle, and Councillor Jubenville |
No (11) | Mayor Canniff, Councillor Ceccacci, Councillor Finn, Councillor Harrigan, Councillor McGrail, Councillor B. McGregor, Councillor C. McGregor, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Allin, Councillor Anderson, and Councillor Storey |
Conflict (1) | Morena McDonald |
Absent (3) | Councillor Bondy, Councillor Crew, and Councillor Hall |