Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Council Agenda

Council Chambers, Chatham-Kent Civic Centre
315 King St W, Chatham ON

A livestream of the Council Meeting will be available at:

At the time of publishing, there were no items on the closed session agenda.

As per By-law 57-2023, Section 7.9(a) Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item on the current agenda shall make written application to the Clerk, by noon, the day of the meeting, to be placed on the Agenda to appear before Council at the meeting at which it will be dealing with the item of interest to the deputation.

As per By-law 57-2023 - Council Members shall identify any items on the consent agenda which they wish to speak to, through notification to the Clerk before the meeting or to the Chair at any time before voting on the consent agenda occurs.  Where a Member provides such notification, the matter shall be removed from the consent agenda to be dealt with separately. The balance of items on the consent agenda, which have not been removed, shall be voted on in one motion.

  1. By-law to provide for a 2025 interim Tax Levy, an annual minimum levy surcharge and to provide for the payment of taxes and to provide for penalty and interest of fifteen percent per annum
  2. By-law to authorize the Mayor and Treasurer of The Municipality of Chatham-Kent to borrow certain sums to meet current expenditures of The Municipality and to act for the Municipality in the Sale, purchase and/or transfer of financial securities for the year 2025
  3. By-law to amend By-law Number 245-2004 of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. (No-Parking zones, Through Highways, Stop sign and Yield sign modifications on various streets in the Communities of Blenheim, Chatham, Dresden, and Tilbury)
  4. By-Law to Amend By-law 56-2024, to provide staff appointment of Deputy Division Registrar and Deputy Issuer of Marriage Licences for the Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
  5. By-law to establish certain user fees
  6. By-law to confirm proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent at its meeting held on the 9th day of December, 2024

That Chatham-Kent Council adjourn to its next Meeting to be held on Monday, December 16, 2024 and that Chatham-Kent Council authorize itself to meet in closed session on that day to discuss any matters permitted by The Municipal Act.

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